
We were very proud of our pupils as they participated in Remembrance services in our town this year. On the 11th November all of Years 3 to 6 went to participate in the Remembrance Service at the War Memorial in the Minster. Well done to Bertie for reading out a poem on behalf of the school. Following this Year 6 then laid poppies on the War Memorial in the old Adult Education Centre grounds next to our Ditton Street campus. This memorial has not featured in Ilminster’s Remembrance in recent years and as Herne View we want to ensure the memory of those it was built to remember in the Great War are not forgotten. Our thanks go to the Deputy Mayor, Cllr Brian Hamilton and representatives of the Ilminster RBL for joining us. Finally on Sunday 13th, one of our Y6 pupils laid a wreath on behalf of the school at the Town’s Remembrance Service in the Minster.

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