
Keeping your child safe, healthy and happy – helping them to achieve

At Herne View Church of England Primary School, we take our responsibility to keep your child safe and happy very seriously. We have a duty to ‘Safeguard’ all the children in our care. This means providing a safe environment (taking all reasonable measures to minimise the risk of harm), and providing arrangements to take all appropriate action to address concerns relating to the welfare of any child. In practice, the following policies will play a large part in ensuring we do the above.

If you are concerned about a child, emails can be sent at any time to [email protected] and please mark as urgent for the Designated Safeguarding Lead  (DSL). This mailbox is checked everyday of the year and will reach a member of staff even if sent out of school time.

The following policies can be viewed under Key Information/Policies:-​

  • Health and Safety
  • Behaviour Policy inc anti-bullying
  • Pupil Wellbeing Policy
  • Meeting the needs of children with medical conditions in school
  • School Security

Child Protection

To further protect all children, all adults who work or volunteer within the school are subject to a Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) check. The school has a very comprehensive record of all adults and their DBS status and is continually monitoring this. If you wish to discuss any aspect of this, please see the Headteacher.

With regard to Child Protection, the School wishes to make the following clear:-

Herne View Church of England Primary School strives to educate all its pupils within an environment where the Christian traditions of learning, truth, justice, respect and community are promoted. Consequently the overall aim of this policy (Child Protection) is to safeguard and promote the welfare of the children in our care. In situations where child abuse is suspected, our paramount responsibility is to the child.

The School is committed to promoting the health and welfare of all pupils and if staff see signs that suggest that one of the pupils may have been the victim of abuse (or is at risk of abuse) they will follow the procedures laid down by the Area Child Protection Committee. NB: Such action in no way infers that any parent/carer or other individual is being accused of wrongdoing.

A full version of the School’s Child Protection Policy and any amendments reflecting safeguarding legislation is available.

Children Looked After

Children and young people become “Looked After” either if they have been taken into care by the local authority, or have been accommodated by the local authority (a voluntary care arrangement). Most Children in Care will be living with foster parents but a smaller number may be in children’s residential units, living with a relative or even be placed at home with their birth parents.

The governing body of Herne View Church of England Primary School is committed to providing quality education for all its pupils, based on equality of access, opportunity and outcomes.

For Children in Care it is nationally recognised that there is considerable educational under-achievement when compared with their peers and this governing body is committed to implementing the principles and practice as outlined in all relevant legislation and guidance.

There is a policy on Children Looked After available in our Key Policies and Document Section or from the school on request.

Herne View Church of England Primary School’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for Child Protection is

Mrs Abby Coe

The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSLs) are

Mr Andrew Whitfield and Miss Claire Oaten

The named person for Children Looked After is Mrs Abby Coe