After School Club
After School Club provides after school childcare provision for Herne View pupils from 3.30 – 5.30pm from Monday to Friday term-time only.
The provision is run by a team of experienced and enthusiastic members of staff led by Mrs Nicky Samways and is situated in a dedicated wraparound care building on our Silver Street campus.
Costs vary depending on the campus the child attends. As an example, a two hour session (3.30pm – 5.30pm) for a child attending the Ditton Street campus currently costs £8.00. We also offer sessions from the end of the school day until 4.30pm. Childcare vouchers can be used when paying, and a sibling discount is available.
Children will be offered a snack and a drink during the sessions.
Once your child is enrolled at Herne View you can view availability and make bookings via the School Gateway app.