Early Years Community


Chard, Ilminster and Crewkerne Early Years Community

Welcome to the CIC, Early Years Community. Our aim is to support the development of Early Years provision in the area by bringing together childminders, settings and ETFS teachers in joint CPD and peer events to help raise the attainment of children in our local area. We are an active community who hold regular cluster meetings and seek the views of practitioners to help shape our CPD offer so it is bespoke to our local area.

Early Years Communities were formed to support the aims of of the Somerset Vision for Children and Young People:

‘We want every child and young person to have the greatest possible opportunity to be the best they can be, to be happy and have choice and control over their life.’

From the ‘Early Years Communities Tool Kit’, the vision for the Early Years Communities is:

Early years communities are the vehicle for supporting early years practitioners to deliver the early years vision and work towards becoming self-improving hubs, ensuring effective transitions and readiness for school is at the heart of the model.’

In our community we have three leads to represent childminders, settings and schools.

Lead Childminder – Vacancy

Lead Practitioner – Cheryl Herrick

Headteacher Champion and Lead Teacher – Claire Oaten

We are also supported by Carly North, previously Lead Childminder and now working at Herne View Church of England Primary.

We can be contacted as a community via [email protected] or complete the contact box below.

See further information at the SCC website link https://www.somerset.gov.uk/education-and-families/early-years-communities/#Introduction

Current training offer:

Our 22/23 training offer is as follows:

Forest School sessions for practical CPD – at Herne View Church of England Primary TBA

SALT follow up to training in June 21 – CYPTS TBA

EYFS one year on, how are we finding our practice with Reading and Writing? – Anne Harvey – TBA

Further booking details will be coming to settings soon. These courses are all available face to face running from 6.30pm to 8.00pm (excluding Forest School).

Latest news:

Please look out for an invite coming soon to our Autumn cluster meeting, held face to face to Herne View Church of England Primary to share ideas and support. This is open to anyone across the Chard, Ilminster and Crewkerne areas. If anyone would like to get involved in leading, developing or supporting groups in your own areas and offering further support to CIC do get in touch with us.

Our All Emotions are Ok boxes were sent out to settings alongside copies of Dr Sarah Temple’s books last year. To find out more about how to use these resources please watch the short films below.

A live talk Dr Lambie gave at the formal launch of My First Emotions at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge. It is a very good introduction to the topic and to some of the research he and his team did.

Dr John Lambie explaining how to use My First Emotions

Latest documents: