The Work of the Governors
The Governing Body meets at least once a term, but usually more often. Governors have Standing Orders to follow; these are regulations and guidelines as to how the Governors fulfil their duties. Our committee structure and membership will be decided at the start of the new academic year. Our Pay Committee membership will be announced in September.
The governors have very wide ranging responsibilities; oversight of the curriculum and pupil attainment, performance of staff, the health and safety of all those using the school, the school’s finances- and more. In practice, they delegate much of this to the Headteacher on a day to day basis, but work with the Headteacher and staff to set the direction of the school and the policies it operates within.
We will have nominated Governors for specific areas, these are:
ECT (Early Career Teachers)
Learning & Progress
Equalities / Pupil Premium / LAC (Looked After Children)
Online Safety
H&S (Health and Safety)
Ethos Group
Terms of Office for our school Governors (and any relevant business interests):
Guy Adams , LA Appt Governor- 16.05.2024 to 15.05.28
Claire Oaten – Headteacher – started 01.09.13
Rev Jo Stobart – Ex Officio – started 15.10.19 Trustee – Ilminster Education Foundation
Ruth Hobbs, Co-opted Governor 14.05.2024 to 13.05.2028 – Chair Somerset Parent Carer Forum
William Lucy, Foundation Governor – 09.08.21 to 08.08.25
Katie Pitman, Parent Governor – 18.07.22 to 17.07.26
Sarah Tricker, Parent Governor – 18.07.22 to 17.07.26
John Burke, Co-opted Governor – 18.07.22 to 17.07.26 – wife works for the school
Niall Whitehouse, Co-opted Governor -18.07.22 to 17.07.26 – children at school
Dr Tim Cockerill, Co-opted Governor 08.12.22 to 07.12.26 – child at school
Vernon Higgins, Staff Governor 23.09.22 to 22.09.26