Blended Learning

Update September 2022 – we hope we have now progressed in the Coronavirus pandemic, however should we need this learning plan, Herne View Church of England Primary will follow the procedures developed at Greenfylde Church of England First School. Any refence to Years 3 and 4 will also include Years 5 and 6.

There may be a number of reasons why your child is off school due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. This grid explains each scenario and what your child’s in-school and at-home provision will be for each one. Our full remote learning offer can be found here: Greenfylde’s remote learning offer

Situation In school provision At home provision
Entire bubble (class) is at school. Normal teaching and learning. ·         Homework set to consolidate key skills/linked to current learning as appropriate.
Most of the bubble is at school but some pupils are off due to test and trace/awaiting test results. Normal teaching and learning for those in school. ·         First day of absence – Oak National Academy and key stage learning links which can be accessed via Google Classroom.

·         Learning activities on Google Classroom (assignments may be posted daily).

Entire bubble is at home due to confirmed case of Covid 19. n/a ·         First day of absence – Oak National Academy and key stage learning links which can be accessed via Google Classroom.

·         Day 2 of absence onwards: Recorded input and activity: 1 x English, 1 x Maths, 1 x Foundation on Google classroom.

·         Weekly check ins with teacher. If teacher is unable due to illness support from other teachers in key stage.

·         Bank of activities per week to cover other subjects on Google Classroom.

Entire bubble is at home due to local/national lockdown n/a ·         First day of absence – Oak National Academy and key stage learning links which can be accessed via Google Classroom.

·         Day 2 of absence onwards: Recorded input and activity: 1 x English, 1 x Maths, 1 x Foundation on Google classroom.

·         Weekly check ins with teacher.

·         Bank of activities per week to cover other subjects on Google Classroom.

Pupils who are not able to access G suite/online resources (see consent form as this tells us who does not have internet access/how many devices per family) Depends on whether the individual is at school for all sessions or is at home due to test and trace/suspected case/local or national lockdown ·         If there is intermittent internet access, Google classroom tasks can be completed offline and then uploaded later.

·         Pack for collection each week from agreed collection point.

·         Pack to include range of curriculum subjects and match class’ learning as best as possible, depending on which scenario is being experienced.

·         If BBC bitesize continues on TV in Autumn, this could be used as well.

·         Deadlines set and work sent back to school, quarantined and then feedback given.

With everything going on currently with Covid 19, all schools have to have a blended learning plan that explains how we will ensure learning continues for pupils who may not be in school for a variety of reasons.

Our online learning is all done on Google classroom with the exception of Reception, who use Tapestry. Each year group has a Google site which is just like a website. The week’s learning will be posted there. Then the learning is ‘handed in’ on  Google Classroom, where your child’s class teacher can see the work they have done and respond.

For the first day of absence, you should use websites and activities from the ‘Learning Resources’ tab which can be found when you log in to your child’s Google Classroom account.

Please see the documents below which explain more about Google classroom and how to access it.

How to log in to Google Classroom

G Guite for Education briefing for parents

Please see the how-to videos to support you in accessing Google Classroom for the first time.

The videos below show how to hand in work on an Apple and Android device. The last video shows how to view the feedback that your child’s teacher has given on your child’s work.

What if Tapestry/Google Classroom isn’t working?

Sometimes, technical problems can happen and it may not be possible to view/access the learning for that day. Please use ideas from the list below should this happen. Remember that we need to hear from each family every day Monday-Friday. Of course, we would like to see your child’s learning from that day but an update in a message on Tapestry/Class Dojo is fine too.

– BBC2 have lessons each day and you should be able to access these on iPlayer.
– Children practise key skills on Times Table Rock Stars, Oxford Owl reading books and Purple Mash.
– Oak National Academy have loads of lessons on there – pick something and let us know what you learnt!
– Do a PE with Joe Wicks session. You can find these on his Youtube channel.