Platinum Games Award

We’re ending the school year on another award with the school once again being recognised for its commitment for providing a breadth of sporting provision for children and receiving the School Games Platinum Award, the highest level of accolade that can be awarded. This is a superb achievement and reflects the work of the whole school community in keeping the profile of sport high at Herne View and encouraging participation by all. Co-ordinated by our PE lead Sian Sainsbury, the provision has supported sporting opportunities through the training and efforts of our young Sports Leaders who are trained in Year 5 and continue into Year 6. Their voice has helped in designing PE games and leading competitions and events with children across the school.

We are fortunate to have sites that offer good space for sports of activities and we have been able to have activities at breaks and lunchtimes including on the MUGA at Ditton Street. Credit is especially due to our fantastic peer referees who have worked very hard in football games on the MUGA throughout the year.

One notable area of success has been in helping children participate in intra (in school) and inter (between school) sporting competitions. From Sports Days to friendly competitions, children have been able to take part in a range of sporting competitions including hoopball, gymnastics, tag rugby, quad kids, cross country and cricket to name but a few. Whilst we have had a lot of success this last year the more important aspect has been in giving our children the opportunity to participate in teams and meet teams from other schools as well.

We know sport isn’t everyone’s favourite activity, so activities have been widened to try and find something for everyone and many children have enjoyed taking part in Yoga and Orienteering this year as well as Forest School and for the first time we have been able to offer Bikeability which was very popular and a key life skill as well.

Sport will always be a key part of the offer at Herne View Primary and we remain committed to maintaining our Platinum standard with the support of the whole school community as we acknowledge the benefits both physically and mentally that sport offers for all our pupils. Our thanks go to Mrs Sainsbury and all the staff and coaches, especially Mr Treacher who make this all possible and we look forward to how our sports offer will develop next year.


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