Fair Active Fairtrade Award

Herne View Primary in Ilminster is celebrating the renewal of its Fairtrade Fair Active Award following some successful activities helping pupils understand the aims and impact of fairtrade work across the globe. The school council helped co-ordinate a Fairtrade day for pupils from pre-school to Year 6 that saw children learn about fairtrade including topics ranging from growing banana to farming methods, chocolate production and producing shea butter. All the pupils took part in a Fairtrade hunt around Tesco Ilminster where they searched for Fairtrade items for sale throughout the store and Key Stage 2 children enjoyed a talk from Natalie Wainwright a member of Ilminster Fairtrade Group who explained the role of Ilminster as a Fairtrade Town. The school council completed their day with a Fairtrade bake sale that saw them raising £80 for the Fairtrade Foundation.


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