
To commemorate our new school a special day was held with all children and staff on Friday 3rd February. The celebration focussed on reminding the children that they make the school and how special each and everyone of them is and without their unique talents we wouldn’t have a school as wonderful as Herne View. In the morning, classes received 
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Do go and look at our Winter Poems that feature in the showcase window display by the Ilminster Emporium over the Christmas holidays.
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We thoroughly enjoyed welcoming families back again for our annual make aChristmas decoration sessions. Over the two sites we had more than 200 familymembers join us to make decorations ranging from wool wrapped Winter hats tosnowflakes and salt dough. We hope these decorations look sparkling in your homesand on your trees this Christmas.
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Christmas jumpers of all shapes, sizes, colour and sparkle came out as staff and pupils put on their Christmas jumpers to support Save the Children raising over £250. Children enjoyed changing up their usual school jumpers for reindeers, snowmen and even Christmas unicorns and dinosaurs and we even saw some great initiative with children ‘creating’ their own Christmas jumpers.
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Children of all ages were all smiles when they had the opportunity to visit our Forest School grotto and chat with Father Christmas and his elf. The children talked about what they hoped to get for Christmas and received presents for their classes kindly supported by the PTA. A little bit of magic had overtaken the Forest School area with 
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Herne View children helped light up the Christmas Lights Switch on evening with their lantern parade. The children carried lanterns decorated by all of the classes, including our Pre-School Apple Orchard. Together the lanterns made a very special site and Herne View were proud to be part of this important event for the town.
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Christmas came early as Year 3 sang for family and friends in the Market Square ahead of the Town’s Christmas Lights switch on. The children sang a range of Christmas songs with a special audience participation song at the end. Well done to our amazing singers.
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We stepped back in time last Friday to enjoy a Victorian Day with Victorian style lessons and the opportunity for older classes to pair with younger classes to enjoy Victorian playground games.
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Sparkling, shining or dotty for Pudsey we had a great non uniform day for Children in Need raising over £350. Thank you to everyone who contributed.
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Well done to our 9 teams who had great fun in our recent quiz. The winning team was called “Mike and the marvellous mums who probably know more than they think” and thanks go to our quiz master Roger Swann and to Martha Rogers for writing the quiz questions and to Sarah Rogers for her usual fantastic organisation. Overall £214 was 
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