Carnival 2023

We were thrilled that Ilminster Carnival Committee again sponsored our own class in children’s carnival for decorated umbrellas. Last Friday judges had the very difficult decision of choosing winners in four age categories and the creativity and imagination of the pupils shone through with some amazing creations. All the children were invited to walk with the school in Children’s Carnival last Saturday and we all enjoyed taking Herne View out to our local community. The three winners in each age category have also been invited on board the Mayor’s bus in the main parade next Saturday.
As a school, we also have our showcase display in conjunction again with the carnival committee where we have our class mini-floats on display for the community and more will be in Ilminster Hair and Beauty.
Thanks go to Ilminster Carnival Committee for their ongoing support of the school as we want to encourage our pupils to engage in this magical tradition for our area and hopefully encourage future carnival club members so the traditions continue in future generations.

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