Our Staff
The teaching staff of the school are fully committed in their professional work on behalf of pupils, parents, carers and the wider community, in raising standards within the school. In so doing, they are superbly aided by a range of ‘Support Staff’. All staff bring a great deal of professionalism in their approach to the education and welfare of the children under our care and and undertake a wide variety of roles within the school which help the teachers to deliver the curriculum in the most effective way. Many of these tasks will enable the teaching staff to more fully concentrate on the planning and assessment of learning.
It is very likely that your child will have a number of adults involved in their lessons through out the week. Whilst not all of these will be trained teachers, their contribution to your child’s education is substantial. They all have access to approved training and professional development. The responsibility for your child’s education in the classroom context will always be that of the class teacher. The Headteacher has the responsibility to ensure that all staff are sufficiently well trained and skilled to deliver the curriculum.
We are very fortunate at Herne View Church of England Primary to have a very well qualified and skilled group of support staff working with the children, and we hope that their contribution to teaching and learning through out the school is recognized.
We sincerely hope that you will work with us within a true partnership in the education of your child, and that you will find the teaching and support staff approachable and supportive to you. If you wish to know more about the staffing structure of the school, please talk to the Headteacher.
Teaching Staff
Headteacher: Claire Oaten
Assistant Headteacher and Curriculum lead: Andrew Whitfield
Assistant Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding and Inclusion lead (inc SENCO): Abby Coe
Simon Ashdown - Management and ECT cover
Leni Baggley – Management and ECT cover (Maternity)
Emma-Louise House - Management and ECT Maternity cover
James Langdon – Year R Pippin also a member of SLT
Kaddie-Marie Smith – Year R Dove
Amber Eaton – Year 1 Puffin
Emmalouise West – Year 1 Golden also a member of SLT
Katie Dew – Year 1/2 Camelot
Winifred Nakayama – Year 2 Hook
Isobelle Holloway – Year 2 Dunkerton
Emily Taylor – Year 3 Coker
Richard Lewis – Year 3 Kingston also a member of SLT
Phoebe Swinson – Year 4 Coopers
Cristine Pablo – Year 4 Gatcombe
James Seaton – Year 5 Bartletts
Bernice Hussey – Year 5 Russett
George Musgrave – Year 6 Clarinette
April Elliott – Year 6 Stembridge
Learning Support Staff
Claire Allen
Karen Aplin
Emma Barnard
Kylie Brister
Jean Brittain
Frances Broom
Megan Burton
Angela Crouch
Sarah Chown
Clare Clements
Jenni Cottey
Lesa Curtis-Ban
Kirsty Dando
Dominique Done
Luke Douglas
Rebecca Dunn
Sarah Foster
Debbie Hallett
Vernon Higgins
Hannah Jackson
Heather Lamb
Julie Patmore
Lucy Penfold
Gabrielle Robson
Joanne Robson
Sarah Rogers
Jess Roper
Nicky Samways
Jessica Sanders
Fredicia Sully
Jackie Turnock
Lucy Waclawik
Courtney Watkins
School Support Staff
School Administrators – Amy Burke and Helen Lancaster
Receptionists – Natalie Phillips, Emma Rees and Catherine Switzer
Lunchtime Supervisory Assistants
Amy Barrett
Charlotte Borysuk
Jo Dyke
Keiko Gardner
Kerry Larcombe
Sarah Larcombe
Jackie Osborne
Jessica Sanders
Lulu Shibily
Chris Sibley
Kayleigh Smith
Hanna Taylor
Jackie Turnock
Marie Ward
School Site Staff
Site Manager – Vernon Higgins
School Caretaker – Jon Dyke
School Cleaning Staff – Hannah Atkinson, Stephen Baldwin, Chanel Collins, Suzanne Lawrence, Sarah Rogers, Diane Smith, Marie Ward and Philippa Watkins.
School Crossing Patrol – Jon Dyke at Ditton St crossing.