At Herne View Primary School, we aim for pupils to develop as mathematicians by allowing them to develop a long, deep and secure understanding of mathematical concepts.
We do this by:
· Taking small, manageable steps each lesson to help pupils access more difficult concepts.
· Exposing pupils to a variety of representations for different areas of maths.
· Helping pupils make connections, spot patterns and ask questions.
· Encouraging pupils to be clear in their reasoning about mathematics through self-explanations and written reasoning, using key vocabulary.
· Being fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, such as number bonds and times tables.
Because we want our pupils to develop a deep understanding of calculation, we believe that children need to understand the structure of the relationships between addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This means that children should be introduced to these calculations through practical manipulatives, discussing relationships and looking at representations such as part-whole models or bar models. As children begin to understand the underlying ideas, they develop ways of recording to support their thinking and calculation methods, using correct mathematical symbols.
A secure understanding of each calculation allows pupils to develop secure mental methods. Written methods are complementary to mental methods and should not be seen as separate from them. It is important children acquire secure mental methods of calculation and one efficient written method for each calculation, which they know they can rely on when mental methods are not appropriate.
Have fun exploring the following ‘Links for Learning’ found below. I highly recommend ‘Hit the Button’ as a tool for recalling addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts at a range of levels. This provides children with quick one minute games to test their knowledge against the clock. Children also have their own Times Table Rockstars account in both KS1 and KS2 which also develops skills in this area.
Maths web links and resources
Times Tables Video Web Links (YouTube)
X 2 tables youtube video
X 3 tables youtube video
X 4 tables youtube video
X 5 tables youtube video
X 6 tables youtube video
X 7 tables youtube video
X 8 tables youtube video
X 9 tables youtube video
X 12 tables youtube video
Times Table Practice Sheets – see in below resources folder:
(Year 3: 32 questions in 3 mins approx)
(Year 4: 40 questions in 3 mins approx)