
We were thrilled that Ilminster Carnival Committee again sponsored our own class in children’s carnival for decorated umbrellas. Last Friday judges had the very difficult decision of choosing winners in four age categories and the creativity and imagination of the pupils shone through with some amazing creations. All the children were invited to walk with the school in Children’s Carnival 
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We were all following the White Rabbit this week to Wonderland as M&M productions came to Herne View to perform for the children. Singing and acting all brought Lewis Carroll’s famous story to life for the children and also gave them an insight into the work of performers as well. Live drama is such an important thing to include in 
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Welcome to our new Reception pupils who are already settling in to their new classes. We love welcoming new families and also extend this to the other children and families who have joined us in years 1 to 6.
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At the end of its first year as a primary school, Herne View Church of England Primary pupils have had a very busy end to the school year with trips, visitors and celebrations. Year 4 put on a three night run at the Warehouse Theatre of their production ‘Pirates of the Curry Bean’ to packed audiences. The children had a 
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Last Friday, 8 pupils and 2 staff made the journey to Wimbledon to watch the tennis on Court 2. On a very hot and sunny day, they had a fabulous view and enjoyed watching matches with Petra Kvitova, A. Zverev and Liam Brody. They also had a walk around the LTA club and saw Centre Court, Henman Hill and play 
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Primary Engineer – If you were an engineer what would you do? Competition Herne View, following on from Greenfylde, have continued to enter this annual competition where children are encouraged to develop their engineering skills by inventing a useful machine. They not only have to explain their designs but also the impact it will have. Overall 48,000 entered nationwide and 
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This year saw another year of Herne View supporting local causes by organising the Community Drive for IMEX 2023. 14 organisations ranging from carnival clubs, local causes like the Ilminster Defibrillator Appeal, the Town Council and our own PTA uses the morning to speak to the community about their cause and raise awareness.
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This week, Herne View were proud to host the final of the Inter School Poetry Recital Competition for the Ilminster Literary Festival. This is a competition the school have run since the festival started and this year around 120 primary age pupils took place across the area. The standard in the final from the 7 schools represented was very high 
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Harper, Dolman and West Insurance on East Street have kindly asked us to display some of the children’s art work this Summer so do take a look when you pass their window. We have linked this to our support of Sunflowers of Somerset and we thank the firm for giving the children the opportunity to share their learning.
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Do look out for our Herne View and Apple Orchard scarecrows which we have entered for this year’s Ilminster Town Council competition for IMEX. The theme was ‘Best of British’ and we have scarecrows ranging from Thomas the Tank Engine to Guardsman and London Bus and finally a Teddy Bears’ Picnic.
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