
Well done to all our children who carried the lanterns made last year and this by classes across the school. They helped light up the parade for the town’s Christmas Lights switch on.
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Well done to everyone for their non-uniform fundraising that raised over £250 for Children in Need.
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Pupils at Herne View school have been reflecting on Remembrance after a visit from Mr Sanders, a poet who has brought together several anthologies of war poems. Following his visit where he shared poems and images the pupils have written their own poems which have gone on display at the front of both school sites and in the school hall 
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Harvest was celebrated in the Minster this year with Rev Jo and many families as all joined to share in this special season for our rural area. The children all sung beautifully and shared their view of Harvest through pictures, words, drama and prayer. Well done to all involved and thank you to our families for their kind donations to 
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Herne View pupils were honoured to be invited by Ilminster Council to come up with a name for the Rec area where a tree was planted and a new bench installed in memory of Queen Elizabeth II. The children came up with lots of ideas and the Council chose ‘The Queen’s Garden’ from Ashton class. Ashton class were then invited 
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Congratulations to all of our winning umbrellas who rode around the main carnival last weekend in a special bus provided by Ilminster Carnival Committee. There was lots of waving and spotting people they knew in the crowds and it was lovely that everyone in the community could see their umbrella creations.
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Thank you to Ilminster Hair and Beauty for displaying some of our class Carnival floats – they all look amazing!
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We were thrilled that Ilminster Carnival Committee again sponsored our own class in children’s carnival for decorated umbrellas. Last Friday judges had the very difficult decision of choosing winners in four age categories and the creativity and imagination of the pupils shone through with some amazing creations. All the children were invited to walk with the school in Children’s Carnival 
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We were all following the White Rabbit this week to Wonderland as M&M productions came to Herne View to perform for the children. Singing and acting all brought Lewis Carroll’s famous story to life for the children and also gave them an insight into the work of performers as well. Live drama is such an important thing to include in 
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Welcome to our new Reception pupils who are already settling in to their new classes. We love welcoming new families and also extend this to the other children and families who have joined us in years 1 to 6.
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